Deck Repairs done right!
Outdoor decks (composite or wood) are almost always constructed with wood framing, wood posts, wood ledger attachments and wood beams. The problem with pressure treated wood is that it is prone to: Warping, twisting, splitting, shrinkage, settling and the most feared; decay fungus (ie: wood rot)
Almost all decks at some point during their lifetime will need some attention. This could mean re-leveling a settled post, replacing structural items, fixing disconnected railings, fascia boards, and or replacing rotting or damaged boards.
We Restore Decks can help you get your deck back in shape and make sure it is safe for your family by providing a free safety inspection along with an estimate to repair the items in question. Because we specialize in fixing up old decks, we have the experience and knowledge to make quality repairs that will last the remainder of the decks life giving you peace of mind.
Deck Post Replacement

Replace or Repair Your Deck?
Sometimes, the cost of repairing a deck will cost nearly the same as replacing the entire deck.